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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hiking Teapot Hill-Cultus Lake Park

Quick facts

Driving distance: approx. 100 kms from Vancouver
Permits required: none
Driving map: this one will give you a good idea Click here for map to the area

See the teapot? 

This is a great hike for the family!  We went hiking here a week ago on a lovely sunny day and even our littlest one enjoyed herself. 

This hike is in the Chilliwack area, you drive past the Cultus Lake waterslides (a nice additional stop if you have the time and it's warm enough outside) and past the campsites. 
There is a small parking lot or side road parking and parking is free.  The trail itself is popular especially during the camping season.  The trail itself is wide for most of it and well groomed.  We came across three horses who were also enjoying the day.  One of the many things we loved here is the forest filled with beautiful western red cedars.  Some of them are huge!  What we also loved observering with our kids is how the trees are covered in moss except as we neared the top of the hike.  Ask your kids why this is?  We got great answers from our kids and it had them thinking about all the elements for a while. 

Our kids were all fascinated by a huge banana slug they came across! 
The trail is pretty steep to begin with, and just before you reach the top you come to a lovely opening with a fantastic view of Cultus Lake.  Here we let our kids have a short break with some treats we had brought along. 
This is really family friendly and our kids enjoyed reading these signs about the area. 
After you are finished admiring the great view of the lake, a short jaunt up a further and you reach the top of Teapot Hill.  It is fully fenced in along the edge so there's no danger of children falling down.  We reached the top in about 45 minutes at a very leisurely pace

This is a very pretty and fun walk for the whole family, one we will probably do again and could be done at any time of the year although I would prefer a sunny day to see the lake from up top.  As it is a pretty short walk (completed in less than 2 hours), it would be easy to add some other stops along the way or on the way out in the area. 
And just in case it's needed, there is an outhouse right at the start of the trail. 
Happy hiking!

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